I got to go to a place called the Big City! It was really fun! When Mom told me that I was going, I got all excited even though I don't know what a Big City is because I like adventures! I asked if Billy was going, but mom says Billy doesn't like car rides.
I begged Billy to go with me!

She said 'no'.
Anyway, first we had to drive FOR-EVER!! It took like 100 hours! But I had stuff to do, and I was tired from playing all morning, so I slept most of the way.
When we got to the Big City, Mom put a little string on my collar and said I had to wear it in the Big City. I didn't think I'd like the string, but it turns out Mom follows me just fine without it, and I hardly even needed it to keep her close!
There were loud cars. I didn't like them. There were tall buildings everywhere!! There were little chickens, but they could fly!!There were no sheep - Maybe we went to the wrong part of the Big City for sheep.
The house was above the ground and I got there by going in a little box that moved, but didn't. I don't know if I really liked that part - but I took careful notes, so I could tell Billy all about it when I got home!!
The floors in the sky-house were soft!! I really liked them! I tried a couple of times to eat them, but they only fuzzed up my mouth, and I don't know if I can even take a fluffy floor home.
Unlike the floors in the Sky-House, the ones outside were boring!! They were flat! They had AMAZING sniffs though! There must be a hundred different dogs in the Big City!!
Mom brought all of my toys, but I was a Big City Dog now, and I wanted Big City Toys!

What a great toy!!
I really liked the toy! Every time I shredded it, mom found a new one all balled up, and I got to shred that one! They were endless!!
The next morning Mom took me to a store full of cool things just for me! Even though I had to hear scary cars before I went in, I walked right in the door with mom on her string! There were boxes and boxes of wonderful things!!
I found great smells! Mom said I could eat the great smells later! She brought them with, and we explored the store together!
I looked in boxes:

And more boxes:

It was so fun!!!
I met the lady behind the counter when mom got my stuff! I liked her a lot!! She scritched my tummy!! I love that!!
We got back in Mom's car for the 100 hour trip home, but I got to play with my new toys and chew on my new stinky chew the whole way!!

I had a lot of fun in the Big City!! Billy listened to all of my stories, and I don't think she believed me! I'm glad I got to go by myself, that way I could tell Billy all my stories when I got home, and she could tell me all of hers!!

I had so much fun!! But, I'm glad I'm home!!