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Join us at our beautiful mountaintop ranch for some herding!


We welcome all breeds and abilities. 


We will also be offering very limited board and train herding options for those who wish to jump start past the really hard parts to get to the fun stuff.


Whether you want to handle your dog, or you want us to, the price is the same, and you will learn more about this great sport than you ever though you'd want to know!


Our herding adventure started about 13 years ago with a mixed breed dog with more passion than instinct. We have worked with some of the most talented herding instructors in Arizona, including Sue Bradley and Molly Wisecarver. We struggled through our ineptitude and the lackluster performance of our dog and came out the other end wanting nothing more than to dive in and get a dog who would love the sport as much as we did! 


We currently have three herding border collies, Dice, Cody, and Tagg, and about two dozen sheep.


We have trialed our dogs in USBCHA (United States Border Collie Handlers Association),  AHBA (American Herding Breed Association), and AKC. Our intention in 2020 was to begin trialing our young dog Tagg begining with ASCA and moving on from there, however that is on hold. We detail their adventures endlessly on Facebook, and to a lesser and more haphazard extent, Instagram. If you have a few hours to spare, you can call us up and ask us about our dogs! :)


Our goal for our dogs as well as yours is to have fun, keep the stock safe, and give them space to learn.


We herd September through June and break for the summer months. We offer several mini camps beginning in September through March or April 


The best place to follow us is Facebook, 

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